Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Maldiney House - Visit #5

After driving another 2 hours, we arrived in Calgary at my Auntie Pattie and Uncle Philippe's house.
We went for a walk outside to get some fresh air!

Uncle Philippe was the lucky one to pull Britton around on the sled.
My cousins, Marc and Eric were also there to join us for dinner. Marion, my stepmom, Angela, my stepsister, Dylan, her son and Brayden, my other nephew were also there.
They have a pet frog that needs to be watered so Britton helped Auntie Patti complete this task!
Only, he decided that he needed to be watered as well!
He kept spraying himself in the mouth and asking everyone else to do it as well!
He was soaked!
Of course, he did stop to "spray" the frog (the plant and anything else around it!)
And of course, he had to get Marc to spray Uncle Philippe as well!
Auntie BJ and Karen also came by for dinner.
I'm not sure what Britton is trying to tell me here!
Marc and Eric have grown up so much! When Eric was born, I went to PEI to visit and "help" with the baby. Time has flown by! He is older now than I was when I went to visit!
Thank you Uncle Philippe and Auntie Patti for an excellent dinner and visit!

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